New Literary Love


library2Photo of the Chateau by Maikel Goossenseu


I’m in the middle of “A Winsome Murder,” by James DeVita, a contemporary murder mystery which alternates between locations in Chicago, Illinois, and the town of Winsome, Wisconsin. I haven’t quite decided what I think about the novel, other than it’s short, fast paced and filled with literary references.

Even though I haven’t finished the book, I had to stop and share this passage with you.

“There were no beds or dressers in these rooms, only a single chair in each, a short stepladder, and books-hundreds of books- shelved on every wall. There were books piled on the floors against the walls and stacked in the closets. Out in the long hallway, shelves had been built floor to ceiling along both sides. They too, were filled with books. In the living room there was a couch and a large coffee table with books strewn on and around them and piled everywhere that there was space enough to do so.”

The inhabitant of this dream apartment is divorced, so he may become my new literary love.

What do you think?

A Winsome Murder by James DeVita

Image of A Winsome Murder

Author: James DeVita
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press (2015)
Binding: Hardcover, 196 pages